The most flexible curriculum technology in the marketplace
Curriculum Works is the most flexible curriculum technology in the marketplace.
The platform is designed to fit your district's specific needs and special circumstances providing a tailored solution for creating curriculum, aligning to your standards, and mapping coursework over the school year.
Our partnerships keep Curriculum Works content and features on the leading edge of education
+ Create guaranteed and viable curriculum
Curriculum Works includes a massive library of thousands of vetted, pre-built lesson plans and maps for grades K-12. These resources reflect the efforts of hundreds of educators over the course of more than three years. Also, your school's current curriculum can be uploaded and integrated into our platform with ease. Your teachers can use them immediately or customize them based on their teaching style and class.
+ Transparency and accountability
Curriculum Works provides a high level of transparency. In addition, the platform includes robust tools to review what’s happening in the classroom and district-wide usage statistics. Use it to see what’s being taught by teacher, by map and even by lesson, as a way to gauge that goals are being met, helping to ensure accountability across faculty and staff.
+ Growth in
Curriculum Works has partnered with the NWEA and the platform lets you sync MAP data to your standards-aligned curriculum. Connecting students' learning progress, and built-in resources that are aligned to RIT Ranges, help foster enriched learning and promotes growth in assessments.