Curriculum Works was designed to let educators focus on teaching rather than busy-work
Use Curriculum Works to easily and accurately create lesson plans that are aligned to your mandatory standards, then map them with just a few clicks.
With our huge, integrated library of 5,000 educator developed, tightly aligned and vetted educational resources and curriculum, educators save time in their search for quality resources that meet standards. Curriculum Works is the only educational technology tool available that actually removes tedious tasks rather than adding them.

+ Import your existing content
Do you have existing lessons that you rely on? Don’t worry, you won’t lose any of your hard work or need to re-do it all. Curriculum Works’s import functionality lets you bring your existing lesson plans, from a variety of sources, into the platform with ease.
+ You’re not just entering data
Curriculum Works, first and foremost, is a teacher’s tool. We did not build it to be another record keeping platform that requires oodles of data entry. We built it to be fast, intuitive, and to get the task done so you can spend your time doing what you were trained to do.
+Lower teacher stress
A University of Missouri study (click here) found that 93% of elementary teachers report high levels of stress. Stress is bad for the teacher, and can lead to poor student performance. We think this is unacceptable. Our users tell us that Curriculum Works has helped free up their nights and weekends by making lesson planning, standards assignment, and mapping easy. If we can relieve stress, everyone wins.
+ Easily individualize instruction based on MAP Growth Assessment
We have a partnership with NWEA and include resources and lessons that support MAP Learning Statements by RIT band and subject area. Now you can individualize your instruction by selecting resources and activities that align to areas in the MAP Growth test that are most beneficial to the success of your classroom
Select a RIT range to see the standards and learning statements that apply.
Vetted lessons from our resource library that support the selected learning statement are available to drag-and-drop into your lesson plan.
+ Naturally collaborative
Looking for a resource to meet a particular standard? Curious what lessons have been effective for your peers? Or perhaps, you just want someone else to appreciate the lesson plan you’ve worked so hard on over the last few days. Curriculum Works was designed and built to encourage collaboration — teacher to teacher, administrator to teacher, teacher to administrator. Easily share plans and maps with one another to quickly spread best practices.